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Gender & Sex Roles

The imposition of patriarchy through colonization and continued historical oppression have imposed patriarchal gender norms on Indigenous communities. In these articles, we examine gender and sex roles and their wide-reaching influence on spheres such as health and wellness, family and home life, and intimate partner violence. We also highlight how Native American women have resisted these roles and reclaimed egalitarian roles that were present prior to colonization.


Lilly, J., McKinley, C. E., Knipp, H., & Liddell, J. L. (2022). “When you come together and do everything, it’ll be better for everybody”: Exploring gender relations among two Southeastern Native American tribes. Journal of Family Issues, 43(8), 2111-2133. PMC9354704

Transcending Colonialism by
Returning to Egalitarian Gender Roles

McKinley, C. E. & Lilly, J., Knipp, H., & Liddell, J. (2021). “A dad can get the money and the mom stays at home”: Patriarchal gender roles, historical oppression, intimate partner violence, and resilience among Indigenous peoples. Sex Roles, 85, 499-514. PMC8693633

How Patriarchal Gender Roles
Affect Families

McKinley, C. E. & Lilly, J. M. (2021). “Marriage is going to fix it”: Indigenous Women’s Experiences with Early Childbearing, Early Marriage, and Intimate Partner Violence. The British Journal of Social Work, 52(5), 2475-2494. PMC9304968

Gender Roles & Early Childbearing, Early Marriage, & Intimate
Partner Violence

McKinley, C. E., Liddell, J., & Lilly, J. (2021). All work and no play: Gender roles with Indigenous women “pulling the weight” in home life. Social Service Review, 95(2), 278-311. (Issue published June 2021) PMC8321394

Gender Balance in the Home Life

Liddell, J. L., McKinley, C. E., Knipp, H., & Scarnato, J. M. (2021). “She’s the Center of My Life, the One That Keeps My Heart Open”: Roles and Expectations of Native American Women. Affilia, 36(3), 357–375. PMC8276874

Roles & Expectations of Native American Women

Burnette, C. E. (2015). Indigenous women’s resilience and resistance to historical oppression: A case example from the United States. Affilia, 30(2), 253-258.

Resilience and Resistance to

Historical Oppression

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