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Here are the primary topics of my work. To find out more, hover over the topic you are interested in, and click to go to the page devoted to each topic with more information and direct links!

Gender and sex matters when it comes to health

Women's Health

Culturally-relevant interventions are effective


 Framework of Historical Oppression, Resilience,& Transcendence


Culturally-congruent services must be accessible

Access to Services

Environmental Justice

and Historical Oppression

Parenting practices
and philosophies


Promoting equitable access to health and addressing inequities in a culturally grounded


 Violence Against Women

and Historical Oppression

Food Sovereignty

and the important role of food & foodways in Indigenous communities

Connecting with traditional culture is a key aspect of resilience

Culture & Resilience

Patriarchal colonialism has imposed gender roles that cause

Gender and Sex Roles

Family Resilience

Families are the bedrock of support

Spirituality, faith, & meaning provide support and strength during hard times

Spirituality & Resilience

Research with Native Americans requires unique ethical and culturally-relevant considerations


The communities, social support, & trauma we are exposed to matter

Community & Resilience

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